Friday, June 24, 2022

Flower Of Canine Joy

When Momo discovered the moment of time,

every hour was an unfolding rose, every one

more beautiful than the previous flower and I

wish it were true for me, but today as I swept


Just like Beppo Street Sweeper said one step

at a time - then danced with the cables as the

CharBoss wielded an electric Steamer all over

the house, and I washed my way through a


Mountain of dishes divided into platoons, first

a shiny cluster of glasses & cups, then plates,

pots & cutlery; this sequence of  hours did not

seem to be unfolding roses & as I grew tired


It felt as if little gray men were smoking all of

my beautiful hours while I worked like a fiend

to get it all done; now after eating chocolate

ganache my stomach isn’t happy and I am


Searching for a lovely flower to represent my

last unfolding hour, the one thing left is a long-

legged terrier begging to play outside - kicking

bottles for him to catch, his sole purpose in life


At least for him there is an unfolding flower of

canine joy ready to bloom for an hour...

[Michael Ende: "Momo"]

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