Sunday, June 12, 2022

Overcoming Unreasonable Demands [Edited]

I’ve lost my balance completely, at first I was just

a little unstable whilst standing mentally on one

leg doing pirouettes - then the problem got worse;

finally I took painkillers - tho ’no rectification, just

a symbolic short-lived relief - now I am suffering

claustrophobia and feel trapped in my skin while

My head is shrinking; I tried escape by reading an

old fairytale book - the repetitions of meaningless

things are terrible and I can't find any sense in the

inane stories specialising in lists of stupid things: -

fingers, birds and pancakes: I suppose it’s to teach

very young children about fingers and toes and the

Challenges in overcoming unreasonable demands,

but ye gods - it is the most boring book I ever saw,

even Sleeping Beauty & Rapunzel became more

dull than they have ever been before - the bland

presentation is amazing with black ink sketches;

I’ll wait till I feel better before leaving comments

 As I can't trust my judgment at present - being a

mental ballerina and falling over means I need to

get up again and order my thoughts before saying

anything worthwhile, especially because I have to

teach a dear friend to say NO when people make

unreasonable demands, making him feel he's not

In charge of his life: while saying NO is anathema

to him, he'll remain at the mercy of everyone who

asks him a favor & with the word NO not being in

his vocabulary they'll never know how much he's

overtaxed by their demands - and I wish I could

teach everyone how to say NO respectfully and

Take the reins of their life; it is a lovely feeling to

be in charge and make decisions for yourself…

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