Monday, April 7, 2008

Ariel Stories: Age-old Mystery

The Sargasso Sea Part II
The Unfolding Of An Age-Old Mystery

The King and the French Ambassador’s
Daughter listened to the laughter of the
people on deck of the Marie Celeste;
then they saw a greenish mist rising up
from the sea; they felt cold, misty fingers
enfolding them and the French Ambassador’s
Daughter felt ice-cold fear numbing her
Heart; the King comforted her: Remember,
this is just an illusion; we are visitors from
another dimension and cannot be sucked
into the same destiny as the people on
board; but she felt the plight and the fear
of the people all around her; she started
to cry – Why do you cry when you know
this is but an illusion? – queried the King;
I cannot help it, my heart is open; I’ve never
been able to close it; the fear of the people
caught in the green mist is seeping into me;
my senses are picking up their feelings; please
don’t mind that I cry in my confusion; just help
me to make it through this magical trip back
in time; please don’t abandon me in my inability
to remain aloof from the play that I see; forgive
me for exposing you to my own fear; the King
of the North held her tight and promised to
stay by her side; she clung to the King - her
only anchor to reality – while she watched
the unfolding events with wide-open eyes
to learn discernment; to see how people
dealt with the tragedy that befall them;
saw how the passengers of the Marie
Celeste were sucked up into a strange
alien craft - one by one spiraling up in
the mist – realizing she was witnessing
the unfolding of an age-old mystery…

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