Monday, April 7, 2008

Winter Morning Strike- The Skater's Waltz

This morning I admired the candy-floss blue
that ran overinto a soft pinkish hue
in a glittering globe of a sky,
feeling the impact of winter in
my failing power to rise and to shine

I'm falling under the spell of
the cold, I just want to sleep
all the time, to hibernate,
my animal instincts are strong,
my body is screaming for
sleep, all night long, when
I get up, I want more

I yawn and stretch to no avail
even danced in the kitchen this morning
to the tune of The Skater's Waltz
to make sure my guardian angels
are entertained, won't leave me
in my fatigue, but as I entered the
office, opened my PC

I felt like sleeping immediately,
my energy quite spent, everyone
being on strike and I feel too tired
to join them – striking no fun when
sleep is what I need!

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