Thursday, July 16, 2009

Creative Fun As Existential Premise

Developed a perfectly entrenched headache
it does not wince or go away no matter what
drugs I throw at it, it is the just result of eating
too much fat, my stomach in revolt, my eyes
little slits, my joie de vivre is below zero and
falling still

I don’t understand a word in my document
don’t care whether I get fired or killed, head-
ache growing worse, why does everything I
eat change into an enemy while other people
munch blissfully on anything that comes their
way, I am

Caught and locked in the concentration camp
called my body; were I but soul, mind without
encumbrance, not the incumbent of this earthly
body, life as pure awareness would have been
bliss; existence as a human animal is not
working very well

I must fulfil spiritual duties, follow every spiritual
path, complete all emotional growth because I
refuse to return to earth through reincarnation
from here I wish to become consciousness fo-
cused in an extra-sensory dimension, physical
life is not

Conducive to the creative fun and happiness
I want to experience as existential premise…

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