Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Darwinian Day

No you ape, goes my voice talking to myself -
oops, hubby says it is not nice to call people
apes, therefore I should stop doing it to my-
self - then I won’t call other people apes to
their face, Hanlie says why not since we
are descended from a race of apes,
besides it amuses us so much

Imagine an intellectually challenged ape sitting
in front of a computer and you see me, I’m not
bright like the Librarian Orangutan at Unseen
University, clumsy and confused, easily duped
the new super-strong drugs supplied by a
dangerous doctor yesterday who poked
the root canal hole mercilessly

Are taking the last vestiges of my lightweight
conscience away, I cannot concentrate with two
kinds of antibiotics and strong painkillers cir-
culating in my system, truly an ape today,
proud of our simian ancestors, much too
lazy to frighten myself into obeisance
happy to play with the tie

I borrowed from hubby without his consent
it changes my ape outfit into an elegant
ensemble, as hubby disapproves, it
adds challenge and adventure, just
the right ingredients to light
up my Darwinian day…

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