Thursday, July 16, 2009

Necessary For A Quality Life

Sitting alone at home, kids watching TV
hubby sleeping, lamenting the lack of time
to do everything people deem necessary for
a quality life – sitting here with a facial scrub
of green goo on my face, Tiaan running off
disturbed by my appearance –

Don’t have the time or inclination to visit
beauty parlours - had an appointment once
to get my nails done - realizing I couldn’t hold
a book for reading while they worked on my
nails, I ran away with a false excuse… I cut
my own hair tonight, too impatient to wait

For a hairdresser; my time is restricted by the
allergy – when I feel ill, I can’t do anything,
must work double as hard when I’m well
to hide the lost periods and omissions
of time…

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