Sunday, July 5, 2009

Special, Uplifting Love

It’s raining – it should not be raining
but it is, in the middle of winter, in Pre-
toria where winters are traditionally
dry with brilliant blue skies and lovely
sunshine, even if weak

Now it is raining, reminding me of my
high school years, we lived outside, our
room opened into the rain and green,
luscious grass, my twin sister and I
enjoyed a quiet existence

While my two elder brothers were leading
the way, listening to Springbok radio, never
doing their homework while I slaved away
on my favourite subject, biology, life revolved
around practising piano, attending

Catechism and church choir on Sunday, the
best part being the trip to school by bicycle
I loved the freedom and exercise, the wind
in my hair, going into town by ourselves,
discovering the town library

Though feeling ill when I was at school, un-
treated allergy, the good times stand out with
more clarity than the fatigue, headache and
pains – rain always reminds me of happy
times, a heroine meeting someone

Who shows her the sun – that is what is
waiting for me after this physical life,
having dreamed of friendship most of
the time, having visualised love, I read
we become what we focus on

All of the time – I have been focusing on
becoming a discoverer of the meaning
of life - of special, uplifting love...

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