Saturday, May 8, 2010

Going Right all the Time

Anti-bacterial lozenges, feverish, listening to
an explanation that if we want to go left while
we believe we have to go right, we shall all have
our faces paralyzed - listening with a wooden face
suddenly laughing, realising I am happy where I am
going right all the time, knowing I can go left to follow
dreams later on

I am learning all the time, love the familiar faces and
serious intent of every incumbent, love the atmosphere
at work, love my work station and adore my computer, I
love my correspondents, everyone who shares space
and ideas with me - I love hubby for screaming at me
for messing up my face like a naughty kid, it shows
he loves me

I love Tiaan for descrying my old-fashioned music lacking
aesthetic value, I love Nici for her emotional maturity in
dealing with life, I also love the autumn sun and the cool
wind that led to my catching a cold, forced to lie down
I love the lozenges that take the pain away, I love the
lady who told us we need not make decisions today-
just feel better

Don’t row upstream, put down the oars and let the
current carry us to where all the good things we
identified, are waiting for us...

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