Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Rotten Luck

Had to contend with an apology that I sent
by email, could not work up enough speed
to beat the fatigue, cold to the bone, home
alone, even driving to the office to get our
lecturer’s number was a great feat, about
as much as I could do

Antibiotics without penicillin to which I am al-
lergic, discovering it was some fun, after an
operation they gave me a shot, I started wrigg-
ling about and could not hold still - as if a million
ants were crawling all over my body turned into
an itchy anthill

That’s how I found out, a long time ago my mouth
went all skew after medication, the doctor laughed
when he saw me biting my teeth to keep my mouth
still - he said it affected my heart’s muscles also -
today I know it was penicillin in cold medicine and
alert all medical personnel…

So many classes had been cancelled, now that the
whole Spiel is going again, I cannot attend
what rotten luck…

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