Thursday, May 13, 2010

Silver Rivers & Seers & Freedom

Silver Rivers

Silver rivers in the sky
turning into fleecy lambs
against a background blue
when the smiling sun appears

Spiritual Seers

Dithering like the sun, now in, now out, too
hot, too cold, off with the second jersey or
keep it on, at least my head is light enough
to hold upright, sun breaks through

No, it’s gone, no, it’s back, what’s going on,
much too fast to write in words, gone again,
I need a good story book, not a TV channel
showing natural disasters in Alpine tunnels,
trains stuck in toxic fumes

People dying, Austria’s darkest days, spiritual
seers claim all people know in advance when
tragedies will take place, deciding beforehand
whether to take part or shun the chance to go
back to pure consciousness

Cherishing a physical body too much is like
worrying about electric current not becoming
a toaster, remaining separate with unlimited
capacity to energise all other gadgets also -


Going with the undertow, not fighting river’s
awesome power, getting dragged under,
launching your canoe and turning upstream,
rowing your oars until you feel like
death despairing

Accomplishing nothing, yet we construct you
a monument - launch your canoe thirty metres
downstream to reach the river’s end within fifty
seconds, whoosh, getting into the river only to
hasten towards the end

BUT the full journey is the purpose – no single
goal is a final end, every fulfillment being the
start of a new desire, we never get it wrong
because - we never get done -
that is what freedom is…

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