Saturday, October 9, 2010

Care-Free Bohemian

I love all things spontaneous, mother a glorious
Leo - no planning - Dad a sanguine Sagittarius
who never suspected that planning existed -
my Bohemian parents bankrupted through
their Mad-Hatter schemes, finding Christ’s
life a perfect example not to provide in their
kids’ material needs

One brother an abandoned Aries, the other a
dreamy Aquarius living on the rainbow, though
he claims it does not exist; my Cancer twin and
youngest sibling unable to organise - although
longing for a stable life - I nearly expired, but
was helped by Tannie Yvonne and Prof Piet
DuPlessis to survive when I fell ill

Then Martin appeared, a Scorpion stinging to death
all who seemed to have hurt me; an eternal Phoenix
planning my life from a to z, though I complained when
regarding my previous Bohemian life - I could not live
Christ’s principle of no planning for tomorrow; my
parents lost home and income, making me realize
the importance of planning

Though I lament loss of freedom, I know that without
you and your rules, I cannot live - being a Bohemian
is wonderful - it’s great to feel care-free, but I am not
strong enough to live the Christian life-style; though
being an outsider in Puritan middle-class, I am
very much obliged that you arrived to anchor
my free-floating, gyrating mind

Providing order and rules -- though I long for
other Bohemians, I cannot live
without discipline and
healthy food…

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