Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Run Up The Down

“Up the Down Escalator” by Charles Leadbeater
he says we need more globalisation, not less, more
decentralisation, not withdrawing from each other
again, delineating the whole universe of pessimism

His treatise is getting me down, reading of all the
pestilence and Elend of mankind and the sour self-
fulfilling delight of professional pessimists in predicting
the demise of the technological society and civilisation

I wish these people could band together and write a
new chapter for the Biblical New Testament delineating
a modern Apocalypse and withdraw their self-congratu-
lating prophecies from my little world, I wish I could stop

Reading this book, Leadbetter will get to the positive
opposite but to get there, we have to march through
wastelands of desert opinions and share the pain of
every negative thinker – I know I can lay it aside

But I never shirked in the past, suffered through Alvin
Toffler and Heidegger, plumbed the depths of depression
and always survived, I have forgotten how difficult to control
my mind once it starts fibrillating under despairing perspectives

As long as I continue blindly, cover the wounds in my heart
with my hands, not bleeding to death as I read, I will get to
the positive end and rise up in joy, as long as I complete
the run up the down escalator with Leadbetter…

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