Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hooray For Tiffany – Second-Guessing

I love studies in consciousness like Terry Pratchett’s
insights explained through Tiffany, accurate description
indicates he must have had the same kind of experience;
he uses quantum physics to explore every possibility,
creating a parallel universe in which he parodies
current society – I’m enchanted, when I look up
from my book, I can’t see, focus is lost, he warns
that living in dreams will do that to you, but
inter-subjective reality is just an illusion, a
dream we share by making up rules,
following them as a group

As Tiffany second-guesses herself, so do I - always
deciding beforehand what I shall do, when I tried
to live life as it comes, it was a mess, once I knew
the rules, there was no fooling myself, walking blindly
into adventures just for a challenge is not possible, I
love books that describe people who think like I do,
other descriptions of thoughts sound alien to me, a
recipe for disaster, yet people are content not studying
love, lamenting when relationships go astray; but as
Tiffany studied human nature, preparing to face
bigotry; I study relationships, seeking wisdom, using
common sense to find rules for love – love per se is
unconditional, but human relationships are based on
contracts and rules, I respect all people, believing in
their good intentions, but lovingly I
don’t trust them at all

Trust must be earned, we don’t hand our money to a
total stranger or an unfaithful broker, to be exploited
mercilessly; yet people entrust their hearts to others on
the irrational basis of adrenaline, interpreted as a feeling
of love, while it could be lust - separating the two concepts
could teach us to honour relationships; poets lament selfish
love unrequited because they throw their hearts about,
surprised when they get hurt, angry when others refuse
to be exploited, such relationships are a travesty of
loyal integrity, only a study of values and subjective
rules for successful relationships has a chance
of success; all I can say is ‘Hooray
for Tiffany’!

Terry Pratchett “We Free Men” Doubleday 2003

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From one Tiffany admirer to another:

Come to the Discworld Convention in September:

More info is here at the Guild:

We'd love to have you there.


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