Monday, March 9, 2009

Terry Pratchett Is A Drome* Himself

Would it help if I tried really hard to concentrate
on assignments waiting on my desk, instead of
continuing adventures in my head to such an
extent I can’t focus my thoughts on endless
lists with nonsensical content?

I get paid to do meaningless work, not to sit here
contemplating eternity and the inter-subjectivity
of consensus reality, yet there is a blockage in my
mind, it manifests as a swelling in my ears; I can’t
bypass it to open my eyes in reality

I’m caught in a dream woven by a drome – does
Terry Pratchett know he is a drome himself and spins
webs of dreams that catch unwary readers like me and
then we can’t return to reality? Once I’ve passed the
threshold of sublime delight

I can’t turn back and it might take a day or more to calm
my mind and get my eyes back on reality, I’m not bright
at planning and overcoming things like Tiffany, I’m a
dreamer who believes in the power of visions
to change reality…

Terry Pratchett “The Wee Free Men” Doubleday 2003

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a little behind in my reading this week. The poems you left at shadow of iris were very lovely and beautiful. I had more to say than that, type up a comment, and thought that I had posted it, but it's not there now, so I'm not sure what happened.

Anyway, I am going to add Terry Pratchett to my authors that need to be read this year. Best wishes!

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