Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Delight On Crossing Our Rubicon

Checked all the questionnaires, rocked and sang
my way through them, busy printing to gladden
the heart of our client , delight on crossing our
Rubicon, never thought we would ever finish
these, but we forged on and here we are

Making packages - so proud of our prowess,
the students enjoyed the course but hated the
food, some will use it the stuff in their private
lives, one boldly declared it will help him to
plan his wedding; they loved the music

Used to reinforce the message – we’ve had an
arduous trip, wading through mountains of
paper, deciphering illegible handwriting
and staying the course….

"Herr, deine Güte reicht so weit, so weit,
so weit, der Himmel ist – Halleluja,
hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!”

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