Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So Very Soft

Given ONE cure for ALL ailments,
how does one combine the lot? If I
have a cold and arthritis and sinus,
should I drink all the various con-
coctions of cinnamon and honey, or
should I stick with one kind for a while?

I’m confused, but I DO know that my
cold has been cured and the pains in
my joints are better; now which formula
should I follow: One for ageless youth,
cholesterol, cold, stomach ache, gas,
or what?

I bought my father – 81 this year - some
warm pajamas at his request – King David
in the Bible got a young virgin to keep him
warm; I recall – but my father will have to
do with a hot water bottle – I found
women’s pajamas the warmest of all

Now to convince him the blue pair is masculine
and the design of a butterfly is a male idea – hope
he takes to the thought , men’s pajamas are so cold,
for him it would never do – while the other side offers
everything, from pink to blue – so very soft!

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