Saturday, May 9, 2009

Vodka-Cinnamon-Honey Arthritis Mix

Aha, after reading Wintersmith asking Tiffany ‘Marry
me’, I made my new concoction: Cinnamon-honey
for arthritis, one cup hot water, two spoons
honey, one teaspoon cinnamon

The day is done; should I feel bad now, it wouldn’t
matter, added single tot of vodka, waiting for the
reaction, my father also likes his drink, I might be
perfecting a brilliant cure for arthritis

He gave me whiskey in milk for upset tummy while
I was at school; now I offer him vodka-cinnamon-
honey mix for arthritis; hope I still might sleep;
last night I was still awake

Three o’clock In the morning, today as we drove
downtown to get Tiaan after rugby, I caught a
nap in the Jeep, now I’m ready for another
sleepless night - if need be

The honey-mixture is quite sweet, after watching Disney
Channel, Sleeping Beauty, and Enchantment movie;
nothing is too sweet for me, vodka complements
the honey beautifully – I shall present

The perfect cure to my father who presented me with
everything I live today; if he were like Alfred Dolittle
he would have said he gave me life, then left me to
enjoy without him - I would have said amen

My father was quite out of sight while we were growing
up, I never knew my many aberrations were due to him,
when I found out, I was overjoyed – it was all a quirk of
fate, genetics taking all in hand

NOT me being so bad as to be due to hell; though now
I know hell is a mental state - I suppose I can still visit
old Nic to reinforce our acquaintanceship, given
my terrible lineage –

Scary stuff, says hubby…

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