Saturday, July 17, 2010

Beauty of Sound and Song

When silence descends
only a thin line of events
lighting up emptiness -
my mind switches back
to the wavelength behind
the physical world

The atmosphere becomes
overpowering as the world
shrinks to one shiny point-
when I put the book down
nothing is left, only black-
ness covering everything

I like the experience of the
third stream, background
consciousness - enduring
when the senses, the first
defence against the inner
world, are gone

I no longer lament descent into
darkness that hides a myriad other
alternatives - though we cannot live
them in a body required to interact
with illusions in a three-dimensional
world - if I lift off as I dream of doing

I can only observe, not communicate,
no longer react - though lonely in all
experience, we can record thoughts,
ponder feelings, make decisions
envision various universes,
dream about probability

Physical being is limiting, but it serves
a purpose, and hope of rebirth into a
new form of existence, enables us to
repeat meaningless activities - the
only worthwhile goal is to have fun
we live life all wrong

Yet the beauty of sound and song,
colour and form, unbridled creativity
and the wonder of transcendence
keep us alive far beyond the time
allotted for one learning experience
on planet earth

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