Sunday, July 4, 2010

Eternity In Harmony


Anastasia bought a plaster bust of Sigmund
Freud and confided her troubles to him, I was
going to consult Lobsang Rampa myself as I
like the Tibetan culture in which he was raised

Young babies were dunked by grandmothers
in icy streams and if they survived, it was clear
they were strong enough to face the Himalayan
cold, it is primitive according to some, but to me

It seems brilliant, if only my grandma had done
this to me I might never have had to live this
terrible unending life; one other thing, Lobsang
Rampa says we need not worry about meeting

Our enemies after death, everyone vibrates to
a certain frequency and only those vibrating in
harmony will meet again, so we won’t ever see
those who could not stand us in life, I prefer

Lobsang to Sigmund as the problem of hostility
really bothered me - and I dream of becoming
a melody, ‘a minor’ just above middle C being
the right note, trilling the notes ‘a minor’ and B

Just before the next octave C creates a perfect
nostalgic sound, I am afraid Freud never said
much about the soul’s inner music, even my
good friend Seth channelled by Jane Roberts

Never mentioned these strange melodies, I will
always remember two facts imparted by Lobsang:
babies should be tested and people are vibrating
musical themes; we spend eternity in harmony…

[Picture: Claude Monet - Impressionism
Internet - Monet-Irises-Monets-Garden]

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