Friday, July 2, 2010

Bow To Each Other

I know Paul Twitchell’s Eckankar religion,
which he developed himself, which allowed
followers to leave the body at will; Lobsang
Rampa’s Tibetan Third Eye Buddhist faith
written by an Englishman; Wayne Dyer’s
Patanjali and Ramakrishna and Sai Baba,
Universal Sufism, Hal Lindsay’s prophetic
predictions for Planet Earth

Are all valid and true and successful for those
who study and practice them; everybody has
their own image of God such as Paul Gallico
described the personal God of Mrs Harris -
cheeky Cockney charlady from London who
went to Moscow as Lady Char – my own
image of godliness is Superconsciouness

Manifesting as a loving, intelligent energy
suffusing everything and the source of all
creation and physical manifestation, I love
the channelling presented by Jane Roberts
and Esther Hicks; and I adore the Mystery
Play entailed in the miracle life of Jesus
Christ, I admire the amazing code

Found in the Torah, Old Testament, I know
awareness and acceptance, belief and faith
can make anything true - all according to
preference, faith and hope - I never want
to be the follower of another, nor do I ever
want to be followed; if we can all respect
another, stop insisting that only

One creed is true; we could bow to each other
as we pass in the market place of ideas; though
I suspect Muslims will invoke the Sharia against
us for being so tolerant and all-encompassing –
the indication of failing is intolerance, even if the
beauty of dedication is an enchanting sight –
freedom is everything!

What Abraham says here must be right:

“Every religion on the planet, and there are
so many more than you are even aware of,
has the potential of absolute thriving. But
when you think that you must prove that
YOU have the only one that is right - and
you use your condemnation to push against
the others - your condemnation separates
you from your own Connection that, before
your condemnation, you were finding in
your own religion. --- Abraham

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