Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Every Symbol Is Precious

Nici deplores imitation flowers in the open-plan office
but not even humans can live and breathe here, how
would real plants manage to survive, these creations
offer infinite choice, underwater hyacinths and orchids
and make-believe roses in silver, a reminder that
beauty exists in pleasing colours and forms

Just as fairies remind me of our having an aura - and
stones on my computer, striking with imitation crystal
creations, like water frozen in mid-air - real crystals
would be stolen and need more care than can be
bestowed in an office – are symbolical of a wider
reality out there; just as every individual

Is but a symbol of the concept of intelligent creation
every act of love an example of magnetic electricity
vibrating as energy recreating the world according
to personal perspective - just as glitter and shine
remind me of sunlight and warmth, every symbol
is precious, labels like kitsch and lack of taste

Cannot deter me!

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