Friday, July 23, 2010

My Freedom to Dream

Wondering why the Dianetics of Ron Hubbard did
not have a wider impact on the world, I checked
the Internet and read more about him:

Though his imaginative theories are great fun, he
made such grandiose claims and his church has
such strange practices

It becomes clear how imagination can be misused
by disciples and followers; making me more de-
termined never to become the follower of anyone

To use my imagination for my own ends and to
enjoy the imaginative tales of others without
joining their cults and clubs – because:

People can make ANYTHING true by believing in
it, can achieve any personal ends by choosing a
strategy from all the dreamers out there

I enjoy the ideas of every system I come across
but stay faithful to my own ends, never giving my
power away to a Living Master, a church, whether
Roman Catholicism or Scientology, a new World
Vision or Celestine Prophecy

When people form groups, they use their power to
take away the freedom of others – I will not give up
my freedom to read and learn, dream and envision…

The following is a summary of information found at:

“Bare-Faced Messiah – The True Story of L Ron Hubbard”

Chapter 9 - The Strange Début of Dianetics - Pages 147,148

“Ron … first began to propound his theory that the brain worked
like a computer which could be made more efficient by clearing
its clogged memory bank.

Hubbard possessed a natural ability to marshal a smattering of
knowledge into a cogent and authoritative thesis, interwoven with
scientific and medical jargon.

His 'scientific' approach to unravelling the mysteries of the human
psyche accorded with Campbell's own view that humanity could be
investigated with the techniques and impersonal methodology of the
exact sciences, although Ron's ideas stemmed more from his
imagination than from any research.

He compared individual memory to a 'time-track' on which every
experience was recorded. Using a form of hypnosis, he believed
painful experiences could be recalled and 'erased' with consequent
beneficial effects to both physical and mental health.

'L. Ron Hubbard’s approach is, based on some very early work of
Freud's, some work of other men, and original research. He's not a
professional psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, he's an engineer.

He approached the problem of psychiatry from the heuristic
viewpoint - to get results.'”

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