Monday, August 3, 2009

Fear Closed My Mind

Time passes, these painful moments
will also be left behind, the pain
in my mind will be stilled, the
pressure in my heart will lift

I shall sit still, bring my thoughts
home, find the safe place in the heart
of the storm where beauty and peace await
feelings and emotions will settle down

I shall be happy again, when your anger
is spent, when self-justification looses
its hold, when conditions are set, we
shall carry on, doing the best we can

Attempting to achieve our goals quietly
but first I have to cry, let the tears flow
in unfettered self-pity for all that I have
done wrong

First unload fear, the awful feeling that
I am overcome by a wave of destructive
rejection, suffocating in despair
I looked for a friend

And found none, it is my own fault, fear
closed my mind to the perception of
goodness in life…

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