Monday, August 24, 2009

Joyous Interpretation

Delighted surprise, staring in happy
conjecture and expectant surmise at the
beautiful message emblazoned in golden
letters in my dairy: An NLS staff meeting at
ten thirty today

What joy awaits me, what wonderful things our
Chief Director will say, what delicious solecisms
and anecdotes to digest and new ideas to imbibe
how can I describe the field of infinite possibilities
that may be?

I shall take my music along, of course, listening to The
Merry Widow focuses my mind so that I hear more than
the others listening in cold blood; my book also, just in
case a quiet moment should present, I cannot endure
sitting in boredom for long

During the last meeting, Jane, the only English mother-
tongue speaker in the Department, could not follow the
delicious African diction of our managers, just to give an
idea how special these occasions, how vast the field for
innovation and joyous interpretation…

25 August 2009

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