Monday, August 10, 2009

Visions Growing More Remote

Headache and stomach cramps,
combating distress by focusing on
reassuring things, a roof over my head,
a warm bed, enough to eat, albeit I’m
allergic to wheat, excellent health

This is all good, but my emotions remain
deaf to this litany of happy thoughts, still
feeling ill, allergy affecting my mind, iso-
lating me from all I love, favourite books
and absorbing subjects

Only the feeling of pain reigns in my head,
fatigued but unable to sleep, a crisis without
end as medication fails, I am free to create my
own atmosphere, but my feelings remain un-
changed, I am stuck in a dark place

Where my handicap is stronger than hope,
my visions growing more remote with every
passing moment, my stomach rejecting the
combination of foodstuffs I consumed
today, I should have been more

Circumspect, no means to stop the mercury
dropping to the lowest level of depression, a
spiral of increasing physical unrest, my
defences break down as I sink under
the waves of growing distress

I am sinking, the pit seems endless,
too late to dream or think myself
out of this one...

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