Monday, September 14, 2009

Ad Hoc Task As Security Guard

I offered my services, an ad hoc task, as
security guard of the air-con at terminology
sitting right underneath to keep it safe against
possible thieves, as I grew bored I made my
swivel chair swing and created my own merry-
go-round while I softly sing, but when it became
too boring to remain

I returned to my chair next to the flaming window
from where the heated air keeps rising, strangely
enough, I manage to muster enough courage to
express my pain in a poem, but the boring letter
without any sense cannot hold my attention
although my fear is intense that I might be
sacked for lack of incentive

Lack of prowess and lack of common-sense
but I cannot concentrate in this heat, feeling
delighted when the ability to play helps me
to pass the dreary day in this fiery furnace
they call a work-place, but which should
ultimately be dubbed Bridge Over The
River Kwai!

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