Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nonexistent Nondisclosure

Without noticing it, I changed into a Buddhist
observing the world without preconceptions
discovering the joy of existing like a pebble
washed up on the beach

I have lost my Calvinist work ethic which
was very weak to begin with, to say the
least, I enjoy the peace, oblivious to the
sinister undertones seen in

Threatening e-mails discovered by nervous
Christine with her unnerving work ethic, her
ceaseless activity shames the rest of society
a nervous tic on her lips

I admonished her to sit back and relax, but
she ran off to write a note of nondisclosure
of interests since she has none, she in-
sisted with vehemence

June regarded her with intrigued amusement
we never tender, thus no need to bestir our-
selves and reply to queries directed to
members of parliament

Yet Christine is writing such fiery submissions
on nondisclosure of nonexistent interests
it would shame a saint…

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