Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bread On The Wind

Everybody deals with this in their own way:
My dad started to curse, words to make a
sailor blush, I sent a Bible verse, tuned
the piano

My sister traversed the hospital, in compensation
I pushed her about in the wheelchair, my brother
drove 600 km’s to see our mom, my uncle drove
to the hospital

Hubby sent cash and endless bottles of wine, my
colleagues discussed the case in detail; contributing
a unique opinion, all alleviating my mother’s pain
on splintered eye socket

A young Indian intern explained how perfectly God
designed bone structure to keep eye and brain safe
in case of grave injury, I am so overjoyed and sur-
prised on discovering

Johannesburg Academic Hospital is worth its weight
in gold, the South African Government is taking care
of their own – can all my tears of joy and surprise
ever thank them?

Can words ever express my delight – never, never
in a million years can anyone say how wonderful
a society who took care of my mother who believed
Jesus implicitly

Scattered her bread on the wind, now I see it
returned – a hundred-millionfold!

1 comment:

matt at shadow of iris said...

What I like about you blog is you are taking daily life stuff and adding a silver halo to them.

Sorry to hear about your mother and I hope that she does well going forward.

Thanks for checking out my blog. If you don't like some or most of what you read there, don't waste more than a few seconds worrying about it. I'm never sure if I like it myself! ;-)

Soon, I hope (fingers crossed) to put some short fiction up, and I hope it will be better than the poetry. (I took a break from writing creatively over the summer.)

The reason I don't explain the poetry is because it's a mixture of word play, image play, feeling play. If you saw a child playing a game (especially an imaginative one) and you stopped them and asked them to explain it to you, at least in an analytical way (like, "what is it that impels you to play such a game?") I don't think they could answer very well, at least not without spoiling the game.

I do think I have a tendency to deal with slightly darker images and that's certainly not for everyone, nor should it be!

Best wishes!

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