Sunday, March 20, 2022

One With The Divine

After trying to be smart I gave up,

after trying to create a work station

for private meditation, moving from

bedroom to sunroom - my laptop is

back in the kitchen, much easier to


Read and write in between doing the

dishes, a hundred times better to write

my own words while doing the laundry

than crying while translating --- single

projects were fun, challenging treks


Through bushes & deep ditches looking

for meanings, choosing the wrong term

because it sings - it is much better to be

ironing with love - eyes on my thoughts,

reading something I love in my kitchen


Than seeking rules to follow in an office;

though my beloved goes ching-ching as

he walks through the kitchen preparing

dishes while I dream of peace, and my

kids keep talking, as in the open-plan


Office, escaping clucking of colleagues

by surrendering my soul to the melodies

playing in my ears & a sweet bewitching

voice taking my spirit into the ether with

it, where I became one with the divine

[listening to Amira Willighagen]

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