Monday, March 14, 2022

New Regime

Did I tell you about the time Sister Sunshine

retired from the bureau and left me alone,

that she took all the laughter & fun with her,

the fizzle in the air, the absurd remarks, us

joking around as we counseled our boss on

his fear of serial killers and psychopaths?


My new cold-blooded Mother Superior had

never heard of singing in words, and Marie

Antoinette, administrator par excellence, kept

changing Superior instructions until I cried

every night in my bed, then dreaming of

the wonderful time when Sister Sunshine


Enriched everything with humour creating

pure joy within the bizarre bringing a life

of such joie de vivre; when she had to retire,

she simply left and the meaning of words

in the bureau was lost, darkness descended  

as Marie Antoinette sought vengeance


For the short-circuiting caused by my

wandering mind in the cold efficiency 

of the quiet new bureau regime…  

[14 March 2022]

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