Friday, October 16, 2009

Alienation Complete

E-mail message from my twin - I am fed
up, feel terrible, everywhere I look I see
awful people making a noise - I suppose
it is our bio-rhythm, I feel ghastly also,
listless, a headache, aggression barely
suppressed, alienation complete

The chaos we see is but a reflection of
our mental disorder, sleepy without the
ability to fall asleep, feeling fatigue even
when I do nothing, I feel like climbing the
walls in frustration with --- ME! Nobody
outside can touch me inside

I project my own feelings outside, isola-
tion and estrangement, when we were
small my dad drove around until we fell
asleep, being grown-up we have no
recourse to external help, she fights
her way through depression

While I try quiet and contemplation, but
nothing helps, I still feel as if I am lost
at sea on a rudderless raft without land
or help in sight, communication with
others has completely stopped…

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