Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lofty Visions, A Conversation

“The best way to view other’s theories is to
estimate what use it is to you personally.”
Exactly, estimate to see if its application will
enlarge my imagination, increase feelings of
love and benevolence, freedom, creativity,
wonderment and enchantment.

“Employ it in Life and see if it works.”
I apply the theories and when they work I keep
using them. This is why I am the happy “victim”
[false, since it is a free choice after having been
cynical and not liking the consequences of cynical
ideas] of innocence – everything to do with trust,
hope, innocence and beauty, love, freedom, belief
and prayer works like magic and improves life 100%.

I am flabbergasted when people refuse to use what
works so well for me. You claim to be the “victim”
[attitudes are the result of free choice] of “cynical”
fate – while you have brought about everything that
has happened and is happening in your life.

You can change events, but you refuse to, which means
it would be very liberating to accept your own decision
OR do what is necessary to bring about desired results.
Vacillating, you hide behind a litany of feelings, yet never
consider the required changes and implement them; which
simply means you refuse to accept responsibility for your
own choices and decisions.

“Unless a theory is considered universal, it has no place
in my library.” You are completely dogmatic, setting up
consensus and general agreement as your criterion to
determine truth. You refuse to think independently and
make up your own mind and stand alone. You ascribe
to authority, if you were Einstein and realized the pre-
cepts of relativity, you would have rejected your own,
non-universal, subjective insights and stuck to what
is generally accepted as universal. Why do you limit
yourself to the limited insight of consensus,
tradition and existing civilisation?

“It keeps me on even keel while sometimes affecting readers.”
It is part of not accepting responsibility for decisions and
actions. It is not your responsibility to take note when the
reader allows himself to be deeply touched by your words,
you just use your ability to create new things. If readers are
confused by your words, it is their own responsibility. A
reader should deal with the consequences of his exposure
to your work. - I do not agree with your theory, but I
respect it.

It is the perfect attitude of the creative artist, you create to
meet your own need for creative consistence. You offer your
work in an open marketplace where people are free to choose.
I cannot fault your philosophy on that, it is universal theory.
AND you do not force it on me, this is what I like about your
dogmatism and deference to authority - you are okay when
others differ from you.

Be yourself, be honest and say anything as you feel and see it.
It is the only way to be authentic and truth is more important
than anything else. I read people and their creative endeavours
like storybooks to enlarge the repertoire of my characters and
their imaginary adventures. It is wonderful that you create lofty
visions on the basis of the small match-stick reality of inter-
subjective consensus, it is genius and you should cultivate it.

I suspect that one day you will want to own up to your own
responsibility for everything that happened in your life, for
your part in bringing about the outcome of events, the
advantages and benefits.

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