Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Physical - Isolated, Soundproof


In trance communication Seth explained
nature of reality perceived from another
plane and mankind’s future potential to
develop spiritually and morally

Being human is a passing stage for forms
of consciousness, before entering more open
reality systems - learning through physical life
playing with clay, humans form civilizations

Leaving physical after many reincarnations when
lessons are learnt, in advanced systems thoughts
and emotions immediately automatically manifest
as reality and matter - lessons must be completed

Responsible creation clearly understood, physical
life on earth is isolated and soundproof, destruction
is created by hate, destruction follows destruction
in deep agony, to teach how to create responsibly

Earth life trains emerging consciousness, if sorrow
and agony were not really felt, the lessons won’t be
learnt well in this educational play, in other realms
emotion and thought create immediately

Through the causative consciousness of the power
of intent; objectively real, concrete environments
are formed - entities only allowed if developed
enough to create lovingly, considerately…

1 comment:

Matt D said...

Beautifully spoken!

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