Tuesday, May 3, 2022

My Doll And My Talisman Scarf

[Diary Notes]

Bought a beautiful scarf in pink, white and blue,

just right for the Kruger National when Ching-

Ching has his birthday, Tinker Bell ceaselessly

walks up & down his eagle eye scouring every-

thing commenting on my living dangerously with

the room’s blinds in a fight against the light, but


I listen to Swan Lake Tchaikovsky on my head-

phones and study my fairy scarf - with a small

pink bag and pink top from the Chinese shop I’ll

be able to play around all day - even my small

Crocodile Kid approves of my choice, which is

rare to say the least, I even took off my first scarf


Though worried it might feel abandoned, that’s

why I always wear more than one scarf if I can,

one for my neck, one for the sun, one for the

car’s window, you never know where the sun

will go, though my new scarf lacks the glitter I

love, it is light as down and I look forward to


Keeping track of it in the Park, last time it was

impossible with the four scarves I took as the

cupboard was small and dark and every day

I thought of a new place to hang them – but

not this new scarf, I shall wear it every day &

take it with me to the swimming pool, it shall


Be my talisman, with a plastic doll in my bag

and the new scarf I am ready to tackle the

dangers and threats posed by a bungalow on

the river’s edge where it is scary to sit alone

on the verandah as darkness falls – but not

when I have my computer with Agatha Christie  


For company - my doll & my talisman scarf!

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