Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Improvement & Exciting Life & Triple Caramel Ice-Cream

[Diary Notes]

The CharCastleMaster started a new game, fixing the

kennel so the smaller dog can get in and out at night:

I waited until he had tried various things, even bricks,

when he said he'd had enough I jumped in, started to


Strengthen the structure with the bricks and inserted

various things under the it to stabilize the iron base

on which it is placed and held in precarious balance,

every time I add more blankets or covers to improve

Its ability to retain heat, the CharMaster gets angry,

but this time he started it and did not stop me when

I continued where he left off, it is such fun to change

the kennel and make it better as autumn turns into

Winter, let's hope the newly raised dais does not slip

during the night and cause the kennel to fall as this

will change the atmosphere from one of goodwill to

the old hostility whenever I added more things to the


Kennel which always seems in need of improvement

to me - while nobody else shared my vision before...


A Short, Exciting Life

The Lord and Master of the Crocodile Castle made us

some soup and he believes in the power of pepper and

the fact that I don't does not signify, I shall add sweet

chutney and apricot jam on the sly & a slice of cheese

& some butter would also improve the austerity of the

soup made without spices & condiments on my behalf,

I find it sad that everyone adds Worcestershire sauce

and other things while mine only has salt and pepper

But when I add some little things without advertising

my additions, everyone is happy and the meal is a

treat, if I add a forbidden slice of bread to the mix, the

taste will be perfect and I shall keep silent if there is

A negative effect from the bread, a person's got to live

and I'll rather live a shorter time eating sugar and stuff

I love, than living longer without the joy of sweet delight

which will make life seem even longer and more awful

Rather a short, exciting life than a long, boring one!


Triple caramel ice-cream, the best sweet

treat the world has ever seen, I was going

to take just a few tea-spoon full bites, then

the caramel toffee which doesn't freeze and

Retains its texture of soft full cream, made

itself felt, it was such a wonderful taste I kept

on eating albeit in miniscule bites which meant

it seemed to be not a lot, but I finally managed

To stop & realize I had eaten too much, though

this would be the best way to die if dying was to

be done, caramel tastes divine & therefore must

be one of the 7 deadly sins - I'm sure everyone 

Will agree they are ready to die for its heavenly 

taste with its blood sugar low which makes me 

feel as if death is coming for me...

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