Friday, April 15, 2022

Reality was erased, Dreams and visions took its place

[Dairy Notes]

I developed backache because I had to carry five books

to work every day, some heavy hardcover like the lovely

full-colour science tomes I found in the library - some of

the illustrations like the Oort Cloud were so beautiful, I

could stare for hours at them, I beg your pardon – didn’t


you have a job to do? – of course yes, translating endless

messages for the Troll Interpol, I did it by rote, the work

was so boring – when I went to the photocopy machine I

carried a book, read a paragraph or two, when we had to

queue like kids at school for new lanyards a book came


with me, while others rolled their eyes & Hanlie enjoyed

herself taking human interaction to new heights of joyous

understanding, I left my body & flew around the universe

coming down with a bang when it was my turn to deal

with the lanyard-making officials, and I had to carry my


school poetry book in case a moral was to be extracted

to make sense of reality, I carried a children’s book like

Pollyanna – my dad’s favourite book, when I discovered

he was reading it, I loved him all the more and bought

him his own copy, and in case a moment of boredom


threatened to lengthen my day interminably, I carried

an Agatha Christie for entertainment, and sometimes

a self-help book by Leo Buscaglio or questionnaires

about personality types – DID YOU GET ANY WORK

DONE – I think I did – my boss said so – and then I


Discovered PoemHunter and I completely flew away,

a whole website of poetry – I found the best of poets

and read away at night, then commented in the day

but as if the poems were meant for me, that caused

a lot of confusion, and in the end reality was erased


Dreams and visions took its place..

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