Thursday, April 21, 2022

Suffering With The Persecuted Protagonist


Meet The Parents - Robert De Niro - Ben Stiller


Watching the film Meet The Parents led to severe

indigestion as the sadistic plot unfolded with Stiller

subjected to such humiliations and the characters

becoming such unreal combinations of incredible

and unconvincing stereotypes, I felt ill, depressed,

sad and threatened, trying to convince the Lord &


Master of the CharCastle and my friend Barbara

is was dark humour, like the horror genre created

by Stephen King, Dean Koontz and Anne Rice, but

the audience just laughed, saying they enjoyed the

Ben Stiller discomfiture as he confronted the, to my

mind, unnatural, autistic behaviour of Robert De Niro


While the unbelievable cast of weird characters in the

story heightened my sense of horror and threat, when

Ben Stiller finally won by providing his credentials and

De Niro accepting him - I was worn out and tired and

did not care for the ending, the horror was too much,

when the journey is so absurd and humiliating as this,


No amount of comedy and positive ending can make

up for the price I paid when losing my peace of mind

and suffering with the persecuted protagonist....


The Critic Douglas Pratt [combination of the names of

my favourite authors, Douglas Adams [The Hitchhiker’s

Guide to the Galaxy] & Terry Pratchett [Discworld Series]

great symbolism - called the film sadistic - and I concur

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