Saturday, April 9, 2022

Lobsang Rampa Is Haunting

 Anastasia is making a list of words that sing in her ears, 

working in her secret study where nobody can find her:

1. Terriyaki, Sukiyaki, Kikkoman!

2. Funkelnagelneu

3. Schlittschuhlaufengehen

4. Kelkiewyn

5. Tierlantyntjies

6. Meteorietslagkraterhart

7. "Rua torta, lua morta, tua porta" - this is a quote from a Portuguese poet, 

     probably suffering from saudade - and cannot be translated - but Ana has 

     embarked on a life-long quest to try to translate this

"Kronkelgang, donkermaan, poort ingaan" or "Winding road, new moon, 

 coming home" - I'm afraid this great task shall not be completed tonight, 

Ana sighs and leaves her study unwillingly - her family insisted she leave 

her place tonight and it makes sense that she should do her duty like every-

body else, but there is an anecdote about a supernatural entity so scared,

Ana's own anxiety is like child's play compared to this - but it shall just have 

to wait, she says, sets her chin and leaves her Aladdin's cave dragging her 

feet... Luckily Lobsang Rampa is haunting the Palace tonight and as Ana

is sitting at table she hears this...

She hears his plaintive Tibetan accent in her ears, 

now the lost evening acquires new meaning and 

Ana rests her chin in her hands as she stares into 

space, Lobsang explains how opening his third 

eye enabled him to see the emotional fire burning 

behind every face, Ana wonders what colour her 

Halo could be - since just 1 colour sounds boring, 

she hopes there's a shiny rainbow spreading out 

from her head with the same effect as the sun  

shining within a prism, then she finds Lobsang 

regarding her quizzically - You did not wish for a 

golden halo? - Normally serious people demand 

A golden tiara with silver diamonds that never fade - 

No, Ana says, such a halo would require careful 

behaviour and then all fun would be gone just like 

Alfred P Dolittle said in My Fair Lady - but dear 

Lobsang is a newly made Englishman and can't 

understand why there is laughter in Ana's time-

Line & mind & a rainbow halo reflecting in a cut-

glass lamp stand - at this point Ana, very sleep-

deprived, falls asleep and silence reigns supreme

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